Mass Communication Project Topics with Materials:

  ABSTRACT As reality is said to be reflected in film, this study was conducted to comprehend the variances to the subject of political apathy amongst Nigerian youths as depicted in the movie, King of Boys. The theories social realism (film) theory and agenda-setting theory were adopted to identify ongoing issues that have an impact on people’s... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1793
  • Pages:33
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The effect of Television advertising on consumer purchasing behaviour was carried out in oshodi-isolo using Concept of advertisement, Television advertising, Consumer buying behaviour, Effect of advertising on Consumers’ behaviour, Empirical studies. Advertising through all media influences audiences, but television is one of the... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1792
  • Pages:27
  • Reference:YES
This study examines ownership, funding challenges and its implication for state media survival in Nigeria. The study adopted two research designs- survey and focus group discussion. The participants comprised of 66 registered journalists from Taraba State Broadcasting Service (TSBS) and Taraba Television (TTV). The researchers examined the entire... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1791
  • Pages:38
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Some Organizations see communication as a normal routine of daily organizational activity. This study set out to explore ‘the impact of effective communication on organizational performance with NOUN as case study with 53 sample size selected at stratified random sampling. The study finds that: the extent to which communication... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1790
  • Pages:69
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Statistical Analysis
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The research study examines clearly the roles of the mass media in Nigeria politics by evaluating the functions performed by the media in the political activities. It also examines the contributions of the mass media to Nigeria politics. The research also examines how well is the relationship between the government and the mass media in... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1789
  • Pages:57
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Simple Percentage
  • Reference:YES
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The issue of breast cancer among women cannot be over-emphasized nor can it be overstated in the world today. Particularly, there are reports that breast cancer is the major cause of death... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1788
  • Pages:55
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Simple Percentage
  • Reference:YES
Abstract This research work focused on the role of radio in propagating culture in Nigeria (a case study of southern Ijaw local government Koluama Bayelsa State). It is believed that the radio does not propagate culture in Nigeria and as a result of this the researcher decided to embark on a research to find out why the radio does not propagate... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1787
  • Pages:67
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Statistical Analysis
  • Reference:YES
THE ROLE OF RADIO IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (A CASE STUDY OF HOT FM OWERRI) TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Objectives or purpose of the study 1.4 Research question 1.5 The scope of the study 1.6 Limitations... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1786
  • Pages:63
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Simple Percentage
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT This project is a survey on the interpersonal communication on maternal Health of Expectants mothers: a case study of selected Hospitals in Owerri. Study design Metareview of published and unpublished systematic reviews and meta-analyses conducted between January 2000 and March 2013 in any language. Assessment of Multiple Systematic... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1785
  • Pages:53
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Simple Percentage
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the impact of radio in farmers productivity in Calabar South local government area of Cross River State. It also sought to determine farmers motivational factors for listening to the programme, how it influence them and the extent of adoption of knowledge they gained from the programme. Survey... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1784
  • Pages:63
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Chi Square
  • Reference:YES
Books are forms of media (probably one of the earliest) called the print media. This category of Media is being forced into a fierce struggle for survival by the advent of more recent forms of media, but due to their Unique characteristics, Books are keeping up. TABLE OF CONTENT: Media Types of Media Books People's testimonials The Uniqueness... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1783
  • Pages:2
  • Reference:YES
The purpose of embarking on this study was to provide a well-detailed account on the impact of digitization of the Broadcasting Media in Nigeria. The study ascertained the level of media digitization in Nigerian Television Authority, Enugu (NTA) in this Era of ICT and internet operations. The researcher used survey research design to enable her... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1782
  • Pages:124
  • Reference:YES
television is widely viewed as a powerful medium .it is therefore necessary to find out the effects it has on children and how it contibutes to the socialization of children... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1781
  • Pages:15
  • Reference:YES
Abstract   The main constraints to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in Northern Nigeria are identified, argued and related to the setting up of a common computerized system based on the National Bureau of Statistics’ (NBS) report which places mostly northern states at the bottom of the list with exception of Kogi.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1779
  • Pages:14
  • Reference:YES
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1Background to the study The word communication is an interdisciplinary term. Evidences have shown that no man can exist without communication. It has a very great impact on human existence. It gives man the chance to transmit his thought, memories and emotion. This highly occasioned by man to interact with his... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1778
  • Pages:45
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Security concern have existed since time immemorial. But the challenges has never been as readily manifested as they are presently. This is rather disconcerting. Moreso, because some of the security challenges and problems we encounter daily in the contemporary society are almost entirely unpredictable.  Indeed, rapid growth and use of... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1777
  • Pages:68
  • Reference:YES
TABLE OF CONTENT   APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………… II DEDICATION………………………………………………….III ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………….IV ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….VII TABLE OF... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1776
  • Pages:61
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Fiber optic communication systems have revolutionized the telecommunications industry, because it is used for faster transmitting of telephone signals, internet communication and cable television signal due to such lower attenuation and interference. The optical fibers are buried deep in the ground (1.2-1.5 meters) away from human... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1775
  • Pages:47
  • Reference:YES
This research is a quantitative study using 4th grade reassessment on one on one technology and its effect on student achievement and motivation. ... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1774
  • Pages:14
  • Reference:YES
21. Mass comm
Attached... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1773
  • Pages:107
  • Reference:YES
The project show the telecommication services(MTN,AIRTEL,GLOBALCOM) most used by traders and the brands of hand set phones most use by people .The type of credit phone amounts most people buy to use to make calls and the likes. Shows the relationship  between the level of trader's education and enlightments determine how they utilize telecom... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1772
  • Pages:63
  • Reference:YES
Abstract This study investigated how farmers in Southwest Nigeria use mobile phones for agribusiness, the benefits of the use of mobile phones, and the challenges farmers face using the device. Driven by theory of information and communication technology for development, this study adopted survey and focus group discussion (FGD) methods.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1771
  • Pages:16
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The rationale for this project is to design a public health communication strategy for campaign on sickle cell anemia in Ghana. This project has been necessitated by the alarming rate at which the condition is occurring. It is generally estimated that 2% of children born in Ghana each year have a form of the sickle cell disease. This... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1770
  • Pages:139
  • Reference:YES
The huge progress of VLSI technology enables the integration of millions of transistor on a single chip called System on chip (SoC).The SoC uses AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture) as on chip bus protocol. AMBA’s specifications define five buses/interfaces: Advanced extensible Interface (AXI), Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB),... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:MAS1769
  • Pages:6
  • Reference:YES